2 different link colors


Help... Please...<br />
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I am trying to get the text links to be a different lolor in my nav bar. I still want the links to be standard in the page area. Ie. Navy Blue links (000080) in the nav bar and regular blue in the page area. Is there an in-line style for this function or use span tag? All of the nav bar links are in a table cell with a different background color.<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->Hi, it is actually easier than that. Just add the font tag INSIDE your links (<a> tags) or the ones you want a different color.<br />
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eg: <a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.a1javascripts.com"><FONT face="verdana,arial,helvetica" color="#000080">A1 Javascripts</FONT></a><!--content-->Thanks Ian,<br />
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It worked, but, I was wondering if there is a way to make it apply to all links within that table cell (or maybe a nested table). So I don't have to add that command for each link. I would prefer to do it once rather than 10 times. Lazy or efficient, you decide...<br />
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Thanks again.<!--content-->Hi, yup, you could also do it with style tags but you would still have add a class tag to each link in order for it to work, and it is possible not every browser will support it. So there is no short fix to do it, each link will have to be edited which ever way you look at it . :)<!--content-->Well... If I have to...<br />
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Thanks anyway and I appreciate the input.<br />
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