I estabilished 2 connections to 2 different
hosts then i selected the database:
mysql_select_db ( $DATABASE1, $conn1 );
mysql_select_db ( $DATABASE2, $conn2 );
the query is to find duplicate nicknames:
$q = "select a.nick, a.password, a.email from $DATABASE1.members as a, $DATABASE2.members as b where a.nick=b.nick ";
I run this
$rs1 = mysql_query( $q1 );
but i get the error:
select command denied to user: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:'[email protected]">'[email protected]</a><!-- e -->' for table 'members'
Anybody know if this is possible???
Thanks in advance,
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.badpenguin.org">www.badpenguin.org</a><!-- w -->
hosts then i selected the database:
mysql_select_db ( $DATABASE1, $conn1 );
mysql_select_db ( $DATABASE2, $conn2 );
the query is to find duplicate nicknames:
$q = "select a.nick, a.password, a.email from $DATABASE1.members as a, $DATABASE2.members as b where a.nick=b.nick ";
I run this
$rs1 = mysql_query( $q1 );
but i get the error:
select command denied to user: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:'[email protected]">'[email protected]</a><!-- e -->' for table 'members'
Anybody know if this is possible???
Thanks in advance,
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.badpenguin.org">www.badpenguin.org</a><!-- w -->