2 color gradient


How can i make a 2-color ( or more)vertical gradient background for body of my html page in css (like on uefa.com)?My friend told me he saw something in msdn library (defined as a filter) but we werent able to find it? :(like PhotoShop or PaintPro does this quite nicely. An image that is a few hundred pixels TALL but only a pixel or few WIDE that will seamlessly-tile and thus fill any size screen. This arrangement can create a 'vertical' gradient.

Or one can have a horizontal gradient as well, using this same technique. If you cannot find what you're looking for online, myself or probably many others here could create a few freebies to send your way, if you're interested. It is very easy to do and only takes a minute to create.This is probably what you mean: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/filter/reference/filters/gradient.asp">http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/auth ... adient.asp</a><!-- m -->
It only works in IE, so a background image would be better for most browsers.TNX that wast the thing i was looking for :)