2 audio files in html, 1st played once, 2nd play looped??


loa<br />
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In my webpage i want to have 2 soundfiles, 1 is the intro ( the famous dirty harry line ) and the second is a drum and bass beat.<br />
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I want the first one to be played when the page gets opened, the second one should start immediately after the 1st one if finnished.<br />
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How is this achieveble other then with flash? Is it even?<br />
Can u like set a "start after X seconds" in a embed file?<br />
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Or is it possible to tell my wav file to play the first X seconds once and the rest must be looped, with some sort of audio-tool?<br />
I hope someone has the awnser.<!--content-->I don't think you get a choice to play more than one sound file. you could combine those sounds to one file then make it loop.<!--content-->well listen to this : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.pixxelpunks.com/~wijbenga/splashpage5/">http://www.pixxelpunks.com/~wijbenga/splashpage5/</a><!-- m --><br />
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that doesnt sounds to sweet does it? The drum and bass should be looped, you sure there isnt a trick to do it?<br />
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Perhaps even with page reloads and changing of vars.<br />
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Hmm now i come to think of it, i think i can write something in php to do this in a cheaty way don` i?<!--content-->