2 a:hover colors?


I have a website that has a blue background, and a grey background for the body text. Currently, any links within the body text and in the main section (with the blue background) have the same rollover colour.

How do I specify two different rollover colours, one for when the text is on a grey background, and the other for when the text is on the blue background.

An example can be found here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.gsr-evo-club.net/uploads/gilly/">http://www.gsr-evo-club.net/uploads/gilly/</a><!-- m -->

CheersTake a look at this thread: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.webdeveloper.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7326thanks">http://forums.webdeveloper.com/showthre ... 7326thanks</a><!-- m --> for that link, it worked a treat!You bet... :)