1px margin difference FF & Opera vs Chrome (Mac)


New Member
I have this annoying problem with Chrome (or FF?). I haven't checked on IE yet.There is one pixel difference in rendering and I have no idea where I can dig for more. I've used all inspectors for the three browsers (FF, Opera, Chrome) to see, if there is anything to tweak, with no success. It is either a bug, or I am blind for this error.See an example here: www.vanwright.com/catalogue/le-kex-walking-kids/The problem refers to the left margin of the first images from the left in both rows. Chrome shows 2px border, while other browsers show 1px, which is what I am after. Is it caused by nth-of-type selector? Probably not, because here: www.vanwright.com/collections/ it seems to have the same problem (margin-left: -10px shows with a 1px line in Chrome, while there is no space in FF/Opera).I am lost. Any ideas?Thanks,pop