

Staff member
Do not go with 1and1.com to buy are even get their 5 free .info's. So I ordered the 5 free .info's Back in March of this year.

You had to have a credit card or paypal account to order for verification purposes. So I used my credit card.

Everything was fine till I couldnt sign into my control panel anymore. So I called and asked why. They said that I didnt send in my proof of US citizenship. They said just send it in and things would be fine. So I did. Than they sent a email saying they cancelled my account. So I called and they said to do an internal transfer. So I did.

Than I recieved a bill for $5.99 per domain name for an internal transfer($29.95 total). When I did the internal transfer it stated that I would be charged the going domain sale price per extension fee. No where in there FAQ's is there a fee listing of internal transfer prices. But here are their FAQ's for their .info's:

Terms & Conditions

"Offer not applicable to internal or external domain transfers.
Domain must be registered through the checkout process; free .info offer does not apply to domains registered through the control panel.
Limit 5 domains per customer, household, mailing address or e-mail address.
Offer applies to one year’s registration of ordered .info domains. After one year, customer will be billed at standard 1&1 domain rate.
Note to Affiliates: free .info domain names may not be eligible for commission."

So that is fine that I would have to pay. I assumed by their price listing that they would charge me the going rate for the extension which was free since there was no price listing for .info's with them. Other than the fact they were free. Nor do they give a price for .info's other than free.

So I called them back to cancel three of the names assuming I would not be charged the additonal 3 domain names.(I was currently not using them and didnt care to sell them either) The customer rep swore I would be charged for only the ones I would want to keep.

Now today I was billed on my credit card for all 5 .info's. So I called back. I was told by the customer rep on the phone that the previous rep was wrong in for telling me this. So stupid me asked if I could have the 3 domains back. And he said sure at an additional $40 per domain name($120 for 3 .info's). And no I did not buy the 3 domains back. I am only a little stupid.

My whole point of pissing and moaninge were if I have to pay for internal transfers than why not pay the going rate for the extension. Here are their prices
.info $0 Free
.com | .net | .org | .us | .name $5.99
.biz | .ws $8.99
.cc $19.99
.tv $29.99

So charge me for the transfer for what it is worth. If it is free than the price should be free. If they were a .com, .net, .com or .us and .name I could say sure ok $5.99 deal me in. Same with the other extensions.

I guess I live and learn. And be glad that they did not charge me the .tv fee for the 5 .info's.

I would have read more into the transfer fee's if there was one. Which btw I still can not find. And neither customer rep can point me to either. If someone stumbles across this fee listing for the prices for transfer than poing me in the direction. So I can shut up and stop moaning.