100% width is not filling the screen


yo yo yo<br />
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ive got these top headers of a table right after the body tag of width=100% : somtimes pages load and the width doesnt extend all the way to the left side of the window leaving like 50 pixles left. Refreshing fixes the problem. why does it happen in the first place. try navigating around teh site and look to the right for this problem. it only seems to happen in windows IE browsers.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.markcharris.com">http://www.markcharris.com</a><!-- m --><br />
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thanks.<!--content-->Some truely sweet animations in there. Just love that self portrait too.<br />
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Unfortunately I am on the back end of my shift at work so will have a look later for you. what application do you use for those animations?<br />
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Anyway... can you do a screen grab of the problem and post a jpg, with the direct url, here so I can have a look. I will, or someone else, will be able to fix it for you.<br />
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Lastly welcome the forums... stick around we could all learn from you I reckon, especially in the graphics dept.<!--content-->thanks entimp,<br />
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here is a pic of the prob.This happens with other pages too, but not often on the animation page. Like i said before each page temporarily fixes it self after refreshing the page, weird. id really like to not try a 'refresh' onpageload. : )<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.markcharris.com/images/edgeProb.jpg">http://www.markcharris.com/images/edgeProb.jpg</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Your code is all over the place. Cant be 100% exact... but your tables are not aligning correctly. Prob due to the amount of col spanning you have done. I would say you have made your life hard for yourself doing it that way... especially with the image maps.<br />
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So I have edited it for you, had to remake the images to get it to work. But here it is and 10 times as simple.<br />
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You will have to edit some of your metas like the title for example but it is more or less exact. Hopefully you can see what I have done and you'll be able to learn from that. I would be very surprised if gives you any hassles on the borders.<br />
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Remember to change the paths to the images if you move them into another dir.<br />
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Anyway... Here is the zip file.<!--content-->Doh.<br />
It still happens even though it is leaner... So I corrected the table to have no padding. I have refreshed and reloaded quite a few times... and it has no issues with the borders.<br />
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Hope this one is better.<!--content-->yeah- your code is like 20 times mor efficiant. my method was to cut the pics so that i could optomize them which resulted 8k lower overall file size. Rediculous code gain. im still getting the same prob in other pages that dont have the crazy mapmethod, and whn i go to those pages and then hit back in my browser the nice new code now carries the prob edge from the previs page. try it a few times. open a nice clean index, hit whome.html link. WHOme.html has the prob a lot , then hit back to go the the index. now the index is all goffed up. you see anything in the whome code, or link.html code that could cause the same probs??<br />
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thanks a mill.<!--content-->i can't put my finger on the problem straight off but you're using a whole load of deprecated code!!<br />
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take the pages over to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://validator.w3.org">http://validator.w3.org</a><!-- m --><br />
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sort out the errors it points out and see if the problem goes<br />
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/added<br />
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been looking at your design, looks great by the way (i also like the self portrait), but you've taken a really difficult path to doing something easy, you're already using an image map so, the whole left part of the main section make one image, add the image map to it for the links and then place it in the left cell of a two cell row, the right cell having the gradient background and set to 100% so it fits to different resolutions.<!--content-->I dont think it the code per se.<br />
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I think it is the legacy of the table. If you view this page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.entimp.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/">http://www.entimp.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/</a><!-- m --> you might see it has the same issue at the bottom border. If you then look at the code you will see that there is hardly a thing to it.<br />
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I think the way around this is to set the padding to '0' to get round it on the table. If you look at the css in zip you will see how I achieved this.<br />
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Maybe Scoutt or Leoo (seems a bit of a css guru) could concur with this statement.<br />
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Heres an offer for you though.<br />
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If you want a little cleaning up done on your site I can give it a shot for you for a nice bit of linkage on a new photographic/graphic sign site I am putting together. There doesn't seem to be that much to it... gimme a shout if you are interested.<!--content-->yes, you're quite right entimp, i glanced at the body code, saw the deprecated topmargin etc and assumed he had padding in their too, set all the pages margin and padding to 0px<br />
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in your css use this:<br />
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body {background:#000000;margin:0px;padding:0px;}<br />
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other elements such as width and bgcolor are also deprecated, use css to replace them, ie:<br />
<br />
table.main {width:100%;background:#ffffff;}<br />
<br />
<table class="main" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><br />
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to add a background image in css use:<br />
td.top {background:url(images/foo.jpg);}<br />
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use the same method for any element. (above is example, can just add to entimps 'nopad' class for the table, change how he called it in (style="nopad" to class="nopad" , typo i think entimp :))<br />
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change this on all the pages, see if it does anything?<br />
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css guru, me!, naah, i'm just quite comfortable with css ;)<br />
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your page was fine for me entimp<!--content-->thanks guys, im gonna look into it. ive been pretty busy animating so i've been a little preoccupied.<br />
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What do you mean by deprecieated code. deprecieated = redundant?<br />
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as for entips offer. i kinda like coding my pages up, but that doesnt mean i can't do someting for you. tell me what is exaclty involved and i'll think it over.<!--content-->you brilliant *******s. :) the padding thing totally werked.<br />
much appreciation is oozing from this ip. thanks a mill entip and leoo<!--content-->:P hehe, you're welcome<br />
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deprecated means it has been dropped from the current html spec (4.01) and although browsers may still support them they won't in the future, so it's best to get out of the habit of using them :D<!--content-->Cool... another happy bunny. Don't be a stranger to the forums.<!--content-->