100% height issue in Internet Explorer


New Member
I have an application where my layout get's bult dynamically. It can be like a table (1X1, 2X2 or 3X3). In Firefox and Chrome my div ViewPortContent is resized the right way. But in IE nothing happens. The ViewPortContent doesn't get resized so that it fills the remainig content as in Firefox or Chrome.The 100% height atributte doesn't work correct? Can you help?Below is my JsFiddle(Try it in IE and Mozilla)\[code\].dhDivTable{height:500px;width:100%;background:black;display: table;table-layout:fixed;}.dhDivRow {display: table-row;}.dhViewPortWrapper {display: table-cell;padding: 3px; }.dhViewPortContent{ border: solid 1px violet; height:100%; width:100%; display: table; position:relative; color:white;}\[/code\]http://jsfiddle.net/qqTtQ/1/