we dance this dance in post after post after post.
10% of people do not have javascrip enabled (for whatever reason).
The reasons to date include:
Intranet restrictions
Personal preference
Can anyone else provide additional reasons?
for those who are disabled....
who here can speak knowledgably on this?
Are there browsers for the disabled that do interpret all javascript?
How about frames and table solutions?
Should we qualify every frame and table post the same way? (as anti-disabled?)
and what about forms? (i'm asking... i don't know)
This subject is important...but it's become like a tired act.
Is there a way to stop the rhetoric... and just get to the facts?
Would anyone like to intelligently and knowledgably discuss this issue for positive purposes?
we dance this dance in post after post after post.
10% of people do not have javascrip enabled (for whatever reason).
The reasons to date include:
Intranet restrictions
Personal preference
Can anyone else provide additional reasons?
for those who are disabled....
who here can speak knowledgably on this?
Are there browsers for the disabled that do interpret all javascript?
How about frames and table solutions?
Should we qualify every frame and table post the same way? (as anti-disabled?)
and what about forms? (i'm asking... i don't know)
This subject is important...but it's become like a tired act.
Is there a way to stop the rhetoric... and just get to the facts?
Would anyone like to intelligently and knowledgably discuss this issue for positive purposes?