What's the name of this song? rock/indie/alt (videoclip description below)?


New Member
The video clip shows a guy and a girl playing the guitar and the keyboard, The style of the video is pretty retro/kitch, though I believe the band and the song are new. During the video, old people are shown sitting and waiting for their turn to dance, and so they do, one by one, quite clumsly, I must say. Then, one of the old sirs start dancing and there is some disco lights dancing over him, and after he finishes his moves, he goes back and sits back on his chair. The style of the song is kinda indie, kinda alternative... I'm desperate trying to find the name of the band or of the song... thanks in advance!!!<br />
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psunfortunately, i can't remember the lyrics, I know that would make it easier... ( also, I have no link to the video, cause if I had i'd try to send a message to the person who'd post it ) the only thing I remember is the video itself.. I saw it late at night on tv... well, i do remember that it was sung by the girl )<br />