vMoods - 2.0


New Member
2.0 Beta - Sunday June 28th May 2009
Requirement: vBulletin 3.8.x
2 moods packs (classic and shelley (vBImageworks))
added mood updated at date
improved the javascript code, should be faster
when using images, it will now only preload 15 images in the drop-down menu, this will help to speed load time
changed directory structure
can easily add more mood packs by placing a new directory under "vmoods"

Variables you can use in templates (if you disable auto-edits)

$vmoods_postbit - can be used in postbit templates
used to display the current user mood in the postbit template
$vmoods - can be used in the navbar template (might work else where but not tried)
shows the drop-down menu allowing users to select their mood

disable vmoods via ADMIN CP
Import the new product file (via Product Manage (Products & Plugins -> Manage Products))
delete the "vmoods" directory via FTP
upload the new "vmoods" directory included with this release
enable vmoods via ADMIN CP

1.1.3 Beta - Sunday May 18th 2008
Fixed possible bug for IE6/7 users, the menu drop menu would not work
Added text/image option
Added more FAQ questions in readme.txt

By default the drop-down menu will show text version of the moods list, you must change the option to
images in the admin cp.


Import the new product file

1.1.2 Beta - Monday May 5th

Fixed bug for JS error for guests


Import the new product file

1.1.1 Beta - Monday May 5th 2008

Moved javascript/html to footer to improve load times for IE6/7

Import the new product file

1.1 Beta - Monday May 5th 2008

Added reset option
Added CSS to vMoods in admin CP so you can edit quickly if need be
Removed width/height so you can use your own mood images
Improved speed for IE6/7, FF should be faster is well
Added option to have custom display for postbit

Import the new product file and overwrite the vmoods.js file and if need me change settings in Admin CP

1.0 Beta - Sunday May 4th 2008

New version for vbulletin 3.7.0
renamed from Mood Manager

upload vmoods to main forum folder
use product manager in the ADMIN CP to install vMoods

NOTE: All mood images will now be located under vmoods/icon_set_name (e.g. classic_72x15)

UPGRADE from Mood Manager

At this moment I suggest uninstalling the old version and installing this new version.
REMEMBER this will delete all user moods, if you want old moods to be kept, please request and I'll post a how to.

How can I keep the old moods?

1) disable the old mood manager, install the new mood manager

2) run these queries

ALTER TABLE 'user' CHANGE 'mood' 'vmood' varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none';

ALTER TABLE 'user' DROP 'vmood';

How can I change the location of the mood in the postbit?

disable the auto edit in the Admin CP, now you will have access to


place that anywhere you want in the postbit templates (well the location where you want the mood to show)

How can I change the location of the moods drop-down menu navbar

disable the auto edit in the Admin CP, now you will have access to


place that anywhere you want in the navbar template, you can try other templates but I can't say if it will work or not

Why am I getting two mood images in the postbit, how can I stop this from happening?

In the ADMIN CP, disable the auto edit



New Member
ok im having some troubles with this lol
i uploaded everything where it was said to be uploaded
and for some reason its not working :-??
the images dont show up
but the you can see the mood option thing in the navbar under the user name


New Member
-HAZEL-EYES- said:
ok im having some troubles with this lol
i uploaded everything where it was said to be uploaded
and for some reason its not working :-??
the images dont show up
but the you can see the mood option thing in the navbar under the user name

If They Dont Show Up

They Didnt Go To The Right Directory...


New Member
there is nothing wrong in the admin cp
i tried to do the navbar edit
and where ever i put the edit for it the word Array shows up