PHP Cach Clearing


Hello,<br /><br />I have a simple php script set. The first page goes to a database, gets one string then displays it on the page. Then, the user may edit that string and upon clicking submit it switches the default value on the database for the user input value. It then takes them to the first page they visited and it is to display the new value. However, I cannot clear the values that were previously posted.<br /><br />For Example:<br /><br />Script goes to the database and gets the value for the field: Username and then it prints it on the page.<br /><br />Bob<br /><br />User can then change the value of Username to what ever they want. So its changed to George. The script updates the database and takes you back to the first page where you see.<br /><br />Bob<br />George<br /><br />How do I clear all, in this case 'Bob' from the screen so when the user updates the value for Username and views it all they see is their new value, in this case George?<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Matsuri<!--content-->
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->UPDATE TABLE Users SET username ='George' WHERE `id` = 'n' LIMIT 1;<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />This has nothing to do with PHP caching, as PHP does not cache - it is a stateless language.<!--content-->