Need help choosing a design pattern


Hi all,<br /><br />Got a bit of work to do when i have to decide on what design patterns to use and explain why. Unfortuntely I'm stuck on a question and there isn't anyone aorund to help me. I'll copy and paste the part of the question:<br /><br />鎻焗e CAD system will contain a primary class called SEModel. This will store and manage the model being created in the CAD software. Each model is made up of a number of components, which are described with the SEComponent class. The SEComponent class stores information about the shape of the component being modelled, its colour and material properties. It provides an interface to allow information to be queried, the component to be rendered and editing operations to be performed.<br /><br />A hierarchy of components can be modelled in the system. This is not done in the SEModel class but in the SEComponent class. Each component stores a reference to its parent component, if it has one (ie. if it is part of a hierarchy). If it does not, the reference pointer will be null.<br /><br />The CAD software renders information to an on-screen view represented by the SEView class. Information about each component is displayed in various SEEditField objects used to show on-screen edit fields.?br /><br /><br />You have identified a number of key areas of the design where more attention is needed. These are?br /><br />(i) The application needs to report information about a component鎶