Ico-Content1.5.2 nulled by gysn


New Member
So, what can ICo-Content do for you?

1 - This forum modification is a breeze to install. You can setup the vBulletin edition automatically in seconds. The SMF edition is also based on an auto-install package and will be up and running in a few minutes on a clean forum.

2 - Pick the topics you want! For each (sub)forum you can set tags to match content with. Whether it's general or obscure, you will get free, topical and relevant content instantly. Check out the Demo! (Launched noon Jan 24th)

3 - The automated system (crontab for SMF, built-in Scheduled Tasks for vB) will retrieve matching content and post it in your forums automatically. New threads, replies to topics and new users are added as fast as you want them to be*. Designed to take your forum from 'limp to lively' in just a few days, ICo-Content features growth control, query throttling and clever randomizing algorithms so your forum will look naturally buzzing.

4 - Real visitors will see your forum is hot and your members 'talk the talk'. They will be more likely to sign up and join in! (Have you ever posted in a dead forum?)

* Whilst you are in full control over content targeting and post throttling, ICo-Content interfaces with 3rd party systems via their API system. (Currently supports Yahoo! Answers only.) Obviously, if the provider runs out of new content you will have to alter your phrase matching and filter settings.

The bottom line is this...

30 minutes from now, you can experience the snowball-effect that ICo-Content can give you!

install time 5 minits works 100% ive tested it

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           ÛÛ²Û     Û ICo-Content - vB Forum Edition 1.5.2   Û    ÛÛ²ÛÛ
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       ÛÛ²ÛÛ   ÛÛÛ Û²         (c) iComotion Limited          ²Û ÛÛÛ   ÛÛ²ÛÛ
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    Û²ÛÛ     ÛÛ      Û  ÛÛÛÛ²²±°  Release Infomation °°°    Û      ÛÛ     ÛÛ²Û
   ÛÛÛ      ÛÛ      ÛÛ                                      ÛÛ      ÛÛ      Û²Û
  ÛÛÛ²ÛÛ    Û    ÛÛÛÛ   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN              ÛÛÛÛ    Û    ÛÛ²ÛÛÛ
        ÛÛ      ÛÛ     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ÛÛ      ÛÛ
         ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ³      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 ³ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ
          ³ÛÛ²Û²Û³                                              ³ÛÛ²ÛÛÛ³
          ³ÛÛ²²²³      Release Date : 09/02/2007                 ³Û²²²Û³
        ³ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³       Disk / Size : 01x1.04MB                  ³ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³
        ³ÛÛÛ   ÛÛ      Script Genre : Add-On                     ÛÛ   ÛÛÛ³
       ³ÛÛÛ     ÛÛÛ³    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               ³Û²Û     ÛÛÛ³
       ³Û²Û Û   Û²²³   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     ³ÛÛÛ  Û  Û²Û³
       ³Û²Û  Û   Û²³     Protection : strange stuff!          ³Û²  Û   Û²Û³
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       ³ÛÛ²²Û     ÛÛ³   ÛÛÛÛ²²±°  Overview           °°°     ³Û²     Û²²ÛÛ³
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                ²Û³                                            ³Û²
                ÛÛ³ Are you struggling to get your             ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ community going? Is your forum a           ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ desolate place? Do you get lurkers, but    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ no posters? Are you annoyed with poor      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ quality paid posters?                      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Here's the ultimate solution...            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ ICo-Content Get's The Ball Rolling!        ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - Real user generated, relevant            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ content. (Not a chat bot!)                 ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - API powered, legally acquired 3rd        ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ party topics and posts.                    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - Fully automated, just install and go!    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Get your forum up and running in no time!  ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³         [url]http://www.icomotion.com[/url]           ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
          ÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛ
      ÛÛÛ    ²²²Û   ³    ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    ³   ²²ÛÛ    Û²Û
     ÛÛÛ   Û  ÛÛ    ³     RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM      ³    ÛÛ  Û   ²²Û
   ³ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛ²²Û                                                  Û²²ÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ³
   ³ÛÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ²²Û                                                ÛÛ²ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛÛ³
    ³ÛÛ  ÛÛ  Û²²ÛÛÛ     ÛÛÛÛ²²±°  Notes              °°°       ÛÛÛ²ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ³
    ³ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ                                        Û²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ³
      ÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ              Enjoy!                Û²²²Û   ²²Û   ²²Û
       ÛÛÛ   ÛÛ³    Û²²Û                                  ÛÛÛÛ     ÛÛ   Û²Û
        ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³     Û²ÛÛ                                ÛÛÛÛ      ÛÛÛÛ²²Û
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      ÛÛÛ               ³ÛÛ³                          ³ÛÛ³  phx^CiP      ÛÛÛ
    ³Û²Û                ³ÛÛ³                          ³ÛÛ³                ²²Û³
    ³²Û                   Û³ þ  Û±± Contact ±±±ÛÛÛ  þ ³Û                   ²Û³
                           Û  þ                    þ  Û
                            þþ    Official WebHQ    þþ


New Member
Thnks to GYSN guys. But watch out for this mod, it can be really flooding, or post some nonsense stuff. I used befor, other admins got really surprised.


New Member
How long it is supposed to take before anything comes of this mod then, had it installed for two hours and nothing!


New Member
It seams this hack doesn't post(download) anything if no one is locked in to the forum. does anyone else have this issue??


New Member
Had it installed for hours also and it is not posting at all, have set auto refresh on few diff browser tabs for same forums still no posting.

I know its pulling content from yahoo because I can see it in my database, and in scheduled task log.

Also the Read-Me is not very complete compared to the one from normal release, and some files are missing. Good concept and good product I imagine for the people who have it running.


New Member
I installed it on my forums last both forums, no login page, "blank pages" I have got nothing to do just to lose forums... done a little bit google and recovered the forums.

To temporarily disable the plugin system, edit config.php and add this line right under <?php
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

This will allow your forum to work and you can then login and delete the plugin via the plugin manager.



New Member
Bulldog said:
It seams this hack doesn't post(download) anything if no one is locked in to the forum. does anyone else have this issue??

I had this issue, and it was only after 3 month of install, that i decided to lock some forum. Then took me almost another month to find out whitch mod was responsible to posting there...


New Member
dfc420 said:
Had it installed for hours also and it is not posting at all, have set auto refresh on few diff browser tabs for same forums still no posting.

I know its pulling content from yahoo because I can see it in my database, and in scheduled task log.

Also the Read-Me is not very complete compared to the one from normal release, and some files are missing. Good concept and good product I imagine for the people who have it running.

Sorry for stupid question but have you define properly under which forum the ICO suppose post and beside have you define the Tags/key phrases to match post content you want in that forum.


New Member
That's ok it's a valid question I forgot to say that.

Yes I have set keywords for each forum I would like it to post and turned it on.

I can see the questions and answers its pulling from yahoo inside my database so I know they are here, and that it is using my keywords correctly.

Just no posts. I imagine I am having a conflict with one of my plugins...once i can get a test vb setup I can see which one it is. Just a task I don't have time for yet.

If only there was a list of conflicting plugins but the support for ICO is almost non existent.


New Member
yeah.. the author of the hack will have a new update in a few months.. 1.5.2 doesn't work properly with the latest vB.