How to position Div side by side. ( css)?


New Member
I need 3 Div to be side by side.<br />
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The first 1 which is the left is the menu<br />
the middle 1 is the body<br />
and the 3rd 1 is some links etc.<br />
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I'm currently able to position 2 div ( left and middle together ) but however the third 1 stays below..<br />
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i used margin-left for the middle 1 and it works but doesn't for the third div. <br />
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please help <br />
i solved it ;-D<br />
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All i need to do i float the first and second div to the left and the last 1 to the right w00t<br />


New Member
The three divs should be inside a div
e.g<div><div class="left">LEFT DETAILS</div><div class="right">RIGHT DETAILS</div><div class="middle">MIDDLE DETAILS</div></div>

The left hand div should have in the CSS
float left;

The right hand div (which should go AFTER THE LEFT HAND DIV IN THE HTML) should have in the CSS
float right;

The middle div should go AFTER THE RIGHT HAND DIV IN THE HTML.

Best to have some sort of widths in there for the left and right divs

Also, to check where all of the divs are I always add a border in the CSS (border 1px solid #FF00FF;)

If you need any more help let me know ([email protected])