[GYSN] vBulletin.v3.6.8.UPDATED.PHP.NULLIFIED.Incl.Keygen



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           ÛÛ?Û     Û        vBulletin 3.6.8 Updated         Û    ÛÛ?ÛÛ
         ÛÛ?ÛÛ      Û                                        Û      ÛÛ?ÛÛ
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    Û?ÛÛ     ÛÛ      Û  ÛÛÛÛ????  Release Infomation ???    Û      ÛÛ     ÛÛ?Û
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  ÛÛÛ?ÛÛ    Û    ÛÛÛÛ   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN              ÛÛÛÛ    Û    ÛÛ?ÛÛÛ
        ÛÛ      ÛÛ     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ÛÛ      ÛÛ
         ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ?      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 ?ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ
          ?ÛÛ?Û?Û?                                              ?ÛÛ?ÛÛÛ?
          ?ÛÛ????      Release Date : 08/01/2007                 ?Û???Û?
        ?ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ?       Disk / Size : 01x3.00MB                  ?ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ?
        ?ÛÛÛ   ÛÛ      Script Genre : Forum System               ÛÛ   ÛÛÛ?
       ?ÛÛÛ     ÛÛÛ?    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               ?Û?Û     ÛÛÛ?
       ?Û?Û Û   Û???   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     ?ÛÛÛ  Û  Û?Û?
       ?Û?Û  Û   Û??     Protection : strange stuff!          ?Û?  Û   Û?Û?
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             ÛÛÛ?ÛÛ                                            ÛÛ??ÛÛ
                ?Û?                                            ?Û?
                ÛÛ? The 3.6.8 package in the members' area     ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? has been updated to provide fixes for      ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? several 3.6.8 specific issues. See         ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? below for a list of issues addressed.      ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ?                                            ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? The following files were updated:          ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ?                                            ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? - admincp/modlog.php                       ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - includes/functions.php                   ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - install/vbulletin-style.xml              ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Simply re-download the package and         ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ manually upload those 3 files over top     ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ of the existing ones. You should then      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ re-import the master style to gain the     ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ fixes to 2 affected templates. To do       ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ this, log in to your admin control         ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ panel, go to Styles & Templates ->         ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Download / Upload Styles -> Import         ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Style XML File -> "Import".                ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Alternatively, you can manually apply      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ the fixes for each issue by viewing the    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ appropriate bug report:                    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - Moderator log viewer database error      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ (Affected file: admincp/modlog.php)        ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - URLs in custom BB codes broken by        ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ word wrap (Affected file:                  ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ includes/functions.php)                    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - Editor size shrunk by large smilies      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ box (Affected template: editor_toolbar_on) ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - Quick reply editor overflows             ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ containing box in Internet Explorer 6      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ (Affected template: showthread_quickreply) ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³         http://www.vbulletin.com           ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
          ÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛ
      ÛÛÛ    ²²²Û   ³    ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    ³   ²²ÛÛ    Û²Û
     ÛÛÛ   Û  ÛÛ    ³     RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM      ³    ÛÛ  Û   ²²Û
   ³ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛ²²Û                                                  Û²²ÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ³
   ³ÛÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ²²Û                                                ÛÛ²ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛÛ³
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    ³ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ                                        Û²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ³
      ÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ     Run gysn-kg.php & enjoy!       Û²²²Û   ²²Û   ²²Û
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    ³Û²Û                ³ÛÛ³                          ³ÛÛ³                ²²Û³
    ³²Û                   Û³ þ  Û±± Contact ±±±ÛÛÛ  þ ³Û                   ²Û³
                           Û  þ                    þ  Û
                            þþ    Official WebHQ    þþ


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                ?ÛÛÛ  Üþ                                  þÜ  ÛÛÛ?
             Û?ÛÛ?ÛÛÛ                                        ÛÛÛ?Û?ÛÛ
           ÛÛ?Û     Û        vBulletin 3.6.8 Updated         Û    ÛÛ?ÛÛ
         ÛÛ?ÛÛ      Û                                        Û      ÛÛ?ÛÛ
       ÛÛ?ÛÛ   ÛÛÛ Û?    (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Limited     ?Û ÛÛÛ   ÛÛ?ÛÛ
     ÛÛ?ÛÛ    ÛÛ   Û?Û                                      ??Û   ÛÛ    ÛÛ?ÛÛ
    Û?ÛÛ     ÛÛ      Û  ÛÛÛÛ????  Release Infomation ???    Û      ÛÛ     ÛÛ?Û
   ÛÛÛ      ÛÛ      ÛÛ                                      ÛÛ      ÛÛ      Û?Û
  ÛÛÛ?ÛÛ    Û    ÛÛÛÛ   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN              ÛÛÛÛ    Û    ÛÛ?ÛÛÛ
        ÛÛ      ÛÛ     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ÛÛ      ÛÛ
         ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ?      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 ?ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ
          ?ÛÛ?Û?Û?                                              ?ÛÛ?ÛÛÛ?
          ?ÛÛ????      Release Date : 08/01/2007                 ?Û???Û?
        ?ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ?       Disk / Size : 01x3.00MB                  ?ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ?
        ?ÛÛÛ   ÛÛ      Script Genre : Forum System               ÛÛ   ÛÛÛ?
       ?ÛÛÛ     ÛÛÛ?    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               ?Û?Û     ÛÛÛ?
       ?Û?Û Û   Û???   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     ?ÛÛÛ  Û  Û?Û?
       ?Û?Û  Û   Û??     Protection : strange stuff!          ?Û?  Û   Û?Û?
       ?Û??Û     ÛÛÛ?                                        ?Û?Û     Û??Û?
       ?ÛÛ??Û     ÛÛ?   ÛÛÛÛ????  Overview           ???     ?Û?     Û??ÛÛ?
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           ÛÛÛÛ?ÛÛÛÛ?                                        ?ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
             ÛÛÛ?ÛÛ                                            ÛÛ??ÛÛ
                ?Û?                                            ?Û?
                ÛÛ? The 3.6.8 package in the members' area     ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? has been updated to provide fixes for      ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? several 3.6.8 specific issues. See         ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? below for a list of issues addressed.      ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ?                                            ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? The following files were updated:          ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ?                                            ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ? - admincp/modlog.php                       ?ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - includes/functions.php                   ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - install/vbulletin-style.xml              ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Simply re-download the package and         ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ manually upload those 3 files over top     ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ of the existing ones. You should then      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ re-import the master style to gain the     ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ fixes to 2 affected templates. To do       ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ this, log in to your admin control         ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ panel, go to Styles & Templates ->         ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Download / Upload Styles -> Import         ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Style XML File -> "Import".                ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ Alternatively, you can manually apply      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ the fixes for each issue by viewing the    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ appropriate bug report:                    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - Moderator log viewer database error      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ (Affected file: admincp/modlog.php)        ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - URLs in custom BB codes broken by        ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ word wrap (Affected file:                  ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ includes/functions.php)                    ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - Editor size shrunk by large smilies      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ box (Affected template: editor_toolbar_on) ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ - Quick reply editor overflows             ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ containing box in Internet Explorer 6      ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³ (Affected template: showthread_quickreply) ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³         http://www.vbulletin.com           ³ÛÛ
                ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ
          ÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ³                                            ³ÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛ
      ÛÛÛ    ²²²Û   ³    ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    ³   ²²ÛÛ    Û²Û
     ÛÛÛ   Û  ÛÛ    ³     RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM      ³    ÛÛ  Û   ²²Û
   ³ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛ²²Û                                                  Û²²ÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ³
   ³ÛÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ²²Û                                                ÛÛ²ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛÛ³
    ³ÛÛ  ÛÛ  Û²²ÛÛÛ     ÛÛÛÛ²²±°  Notes              °°°       ÛÛÛ²ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ³
    ³ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ                                        Û²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ³
      ÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ     Run gysn-kg.php & enjoy!       Û²²²Û   ²²Û   ²²Û
       ÛÛÛ   ÛÛ³    Û²²Û                                  ÛÛÛÛ     ÛÛ   Û²Û
        ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³     Û²ÛÛ                                ÛÛÛÛ      ÛÛÛÛ²²Û
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       ÛÛÛÛ             ÛÛ³                            ³ÛÛ             ÛÛÛÛ
      ÛÛÛ               ³ÛÛ³                          ³ÛÛ³  phx^CiP      ÛÛÛ
    ³Û²Û                ³ÛÛ³                          ³ÛÛ³                ²²Û³
    ³²Û                   Û³ þ  Û±± Contact ±±±ÛÛÛ  þ ³Û                   ²Û³
                           Û  þ                    þ  Û
                            þþ    Official WebHQ    þþ


New Member
When I use keygen I get this message:
Make sure all GYSN placeholder have been replaced.
What I need to change ?

|| #################################################################### ||
|| # vBulletin 3.6.8 - Licence Number [#]GYSN_LICNR[#]
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # Copyright ©2000-2007 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
|| # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html # ||
|| #################################################################### ||
This part
or what ?


New Member
sorry. i am a complete newb to this software. how do i run the gysn-kg file? i am being asked to enter the customer number on the installation for my forum.


shumar said:
When I use keygen I get this message:

What I need to change ?

|| #################################################################### ||
|| # vBulletin 3.6.8 - Licence Number [#]GYSN_LICNR[#]
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # Copyright ©2000-2007 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
|| # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html # ||
|| #################################################################### ||
This part
or what ?

first chmod all your files and directories to 777 and well all the process is completed chmod back the directories to 755 and files to 644


father_of_Y said:
sorry. i am a complete newb to this software. how do i run the gysn-kg file? i am being asked to enter the customer number on the installation for my forum.

in a browser


New Member
Please Enter Your Customer Number
this is what i get too

and when i run gysn-kg.php from the browser it stands still on :
Keygen is checking and replacing the files ...

all the time, what can i do ?


AlbanianGhost said:
Please Enter Your Customer Number
this is what i get too

and when i run gysn-kg.php from the browser it stands still on :
Keygen is checking and replacing the files ...

all the time, what can i do ?

chmod all your files to 777 and directories then create a file in the noteblock
and put in there

php_value memory_limit 32M
php_value max_execution_time 120

then save it and name that .htaccess and delete all in your ftp upload a new package in to your ftp account and don´t forget to upload the .htaccess file, don´t rename the config.php.new until you have run the gysn-kg.php chmod all your files and directories to 777 once all files have been replaced chmod all your directories to 755 and all your files to 644.


New Member
it fucked up my ftp and all thing, half of site is on v 3.6.4 and half on 3.6.8
are at work right now so maybe it somethin wrog with the inernet connecion here so i have to try at home when i get there about 2 hours
are u here than? maybe u could help me with another thing too my search function havent worked since i installed vb it sand mysql error at my mail everytime someone used search


New Member
i did the things u said and i get this

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
when i try to reach
i haven run install/upgrade.php yet? should i do it first?


New Member
ok now i worked with the old htacces but when i run the gysn-kg.php it stands on Keygen is checking and replacing the files ... all the time? what should i doo?


AlbanianGhost said:
ok now i worked with the old htacces but when i run the gysn-kg.php it stands on Keygen is checking and replacing the files ... all the time? what should i doo?

the chmod is done? all the files and directories are chmod 777 ?, use a nulled version then,i think is a host issue, the php flags that i told you should work....uhmmm i will check it later


New Member
yes i have chmodet all folders and files to 777
i used this GYSN] vBulletin.v3.6.8.UPDATED.PHP.NULLIFIED.Incl.Keygen with the keygen from this and another but none of them works displays only Keygen is replacing the files with new data... and nothing happens, when i run install/upgrade.php it asks for the customer number, im talking with the support but thay say everything is okay over therem i have installed styles, scripts, addons and all thing and i never had this problem i dont know what it could be ?

i have a database on 46 mb something can it be the problem or something?


AlbanianGhost said:
yes i have chmodet all folders and files to 777
i used this GYSN] vBulletin.v3.6.8.UPDATED.PHP.NULLIFIED.Incl.Keygen with the keygen from this and another but none of them works displays only Keygen is replacing the files with new data... and nothing happens, when i run install/upgrade.php it asks for the customer number, im talking with the support but thay say everything is okay over therem i have installed styles, scripts, addons and all thing and i never had this problem i dont know what it could be ?

i told you,this is a host issue, it complains to max_execution_time and max_memory flags in the php.ini file that your server config that.upload a new vb null package this time normal,install this in your computer SourceForge.net: Downloading ...
Install on localhost do all the steps in the install wizard. and config the php.ini in all programs/AppServ Configuration directory and find max_memory and max_execution and change the values to a greater one then do a new folder in C:/Appserv/www/ let´s call it vb, put all the vB3.6.8-Keygen Version [a fresh one] package in there and point your browser to localhost/vb/gysn-kg.php,this will work fine.Once all done upload the package,don´t forget to copy all info generated by keygen


New Member
i tryed to leav htacces empty and it works a little bit but the kaygen is still only saying :
Keygen is checking and replacing the files ...


AlbanianGhost said:
i tryed to leav htacces empty and it works a little bit but the kaygen is still only saying :
Keygen is checking and replacing the files ...

it´s you host, download the appserver this will install php,mysql,phpmyadmin,apache on your PC, you´ll be able to generate a license.

and use this version http://www.vbteam.info/vb-3-6-x-releases/1032-vbulletin-v3-6-8-patch-level-2-php-nullified-gysn.html, the one you download has bugs in his system


New Member
i installed it but when i search for php.ini i find onlye this:
php.ini C:\Windows

php.ini-dist C:\AppServ\php5

php.ini-recommended C:\AppServ\php5

and i changed both php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommendet
but where should i install the vb nulled package? on my pc or host?

im trying to install the vh package on my pc, the keygen shows an costumer numer and licens number but when i try to install the costumer number provided by the keygen is not working? somethign im doin wrong?